Tisca Chopra who made her presence felt with spellbinding and critically acclaimed performances in the films like Taare Zameen Par, Firaaq, Qissa and starred in the well-reviewed theatre play 'Dinner with Friends' has now added one more feather to her cap we hear. The actress, who is a well known bibliophile and a voracious reader, has been doing some serious writing over the past few months and is all set to launch her very first book 'Acting Smart' which she says is especially for all the cinegoers, movie buffs and people who are starting new in the industry. A source close to her said, 'There isn't another book like this one in the market yet. The book is for young aspiring actors and it is full of information about how to make it in the business and it has many interesting trivia from industry experts like Imtiaz Ali, Raju Hirani, Shabana Azmi, Boman Irani. The book has interesting episodes and anecdotes.