Anti-government protesters remained defiant in Kiev Saturday morning amidst freezing temperatures. They say they won't stop their occupation until President Viktor Yanukovich steps down.
Opposition leaders, citing fears for demonstrators' health from Arctic temperatures, urged their supporters not to take to the streets in large numbers for weekly rallies on Sunday.
The uncompromising standoff, triggered by Yanukovich's decision in November to accept a $15-billion loan package from Russia instead of a trade deal with the European Union, prompted a rare intervention from the military on Friday.
The Defense Ministry urged the president, as commander in chief, to move swiftly, and within the law, to end the crisis.
Meanwhile Yanukovich signed into law an amnesty for demonstrators detained recently and repealed anti-protest legislation.
At least six people have been killed, all in the past two weeks, and hundreds more injured in street battles between anti-gov