Tollywood hero Nithin's superhit film Ishq, with Nithya Menon sharing the screenspace with him, is coming to malayalam now. The film is dubbed and released in Kerala as Aye Priya. The film is directed by Vikram K Kumar and JSD Royal. Music is scored by Anoop Rubens and Aravind Shankar. Cinematography is done by P C Sreeram and Editing is handled by Sreekar Prasad. The film is produced by Vikram Goud and Sudhakar Reddy under the banner of Aparna Entertainment Pvt Ltd. The film which comes with a tag line, You are the love of my life, talks about the relationship between two young people who accidently meet up and decide to live together. The lyrics and dialogues in malayalam are written by Makombu Gopalakrishnan and the film is released by Divya Films. It has a very interesting romantic thread to keep the audience glued to their seats till the last frame. The release date would be intimated soon