Oklahoma Bombing Cover-Up Part 4

apfnorg 2007-02-24

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This is old and poor quality, The audios are good.
This video is too important to not upload.
Filed (05/11/01) by a Dallas lawyer representing Jane Graham and V.Z. Lawton, two bombing victims who were in the destroyed federal
building at the time, the lawsuit asks the federal court governing Terre
Haute prison to stay McVeigh's execution pending a civil suit the victims
have filed - claiming that McVeigh is an indispensable witness in that
lawsuit, which is now in the discovery phase.

"There was a waving motion....like an earthquake...then seconds later an explosion came from BENEATH straight UP through the floor" according to Jane C, Graham, who was on the nineth floor of the Murrah Building at 9 am on April 19, 1995.
Video Affidavit of Murrah Federal Building Bombing witness/survivor Jane C. Graham:
Oklahoma Bombing Cover-Up: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/OKC_bombing.htm

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