Hitman Absolution Purist Guide: Attack of the Saints, Parking, Eliminate Dijana & Agnija Radoncic

AULuftwaffles 2014-01-24

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Written Guide and More Information: http://wp.me/p1SfP0-16S
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This is the second part of the Attack of the Saints Mission in Hitman: Absolution which is called reception. In it you make your way around the reception of the motel and eliminate Dijana and Agnija Radoncic with signature kills and exit the motel. This guide explains how to complete this mission on the hardest, purist, difficulty. It does not explain how to complete the different challenges in this area.
At the start be sure to use the first aid kit since you lost health in the explosion earlier (which you can't avoid since it is in a cut scene). Then go up to the counter and take cover on it. Wait for the saint to have turned around and left and the guard to be about to leave, then subdue him from behind the counter.
After you have done that make sure you drag him back into the area where you started out and hide him in the fridge there. Then pick up the Hula Girl to the left of the bench to the left of the fridge and take cover on the right side of the door way out of the room you just walked through. Wait for the guard standing near where you subdued the first guard to have turned around and left, then wait until you have heard two doors opening. Then throw the hula girl at the counter.
Wait for the guard to have come up to investigate and turned around. Then subdue him and hide his body in the same fridge as you hid the guard in earlier. Then make your way back behind the counter to the same place you took out the first guard. Pick up the bill spike from the counter and wait for the saint to have come back into the room and then for the guard to the right to have gone out of sight. Throw the bill spike in the left corner of the room near the counter.
Wait for the guard just outside the reception to have turned away, then scale the cover, select the fiber wire and garrote Dijana Radoncic and hide her body in the fridge behind you. Climb back over the cover and take a bottle from the shelves. Make your way through the door leading out of the reception area at the end of the corridor that you started in. Take cover on the wall just behind the wooden wall section leaning against the wall of the reception.
Wait for the guard to have shot the receptionist and then for the guard on the far wall to have turned right and gone out of sight (you can just make him out to the left of the menu in the image above). Then make your way across the street and into the walled off area. When you get near the swing throw the bottle at the wall ahead.
Then take cover behind the fallen over bench and wait for the last saint to have come into the area. Once she has walked past the right side of the table get out of cover and make your way behind her. Equip the fiber wire and garrote Agnija Radonic and hide her body in the fridge on the far left corner of the area. Then deselect the fiber wire and subdue the guard at the other entrance to the area. Hide his body in the same fridge. Then take cover on the bench near the fridge so that you can't be seen from the entrance you used to get into the area. Wait for the guard to walked up and leave again. Once he has turned his back on you approach the BBQs and pick up the bottle to the right of the right BBQ. Then go to the other exit and take cover on the wall on the right side of it.
Wait for that guard to start leaving, then go through the petrol station and take cover on the rear of the towing truck and wait for the three guards to have stopped their conversation and moved off to their stationary positions. Then throw the bottle you picked up earlier into the corner made by the rear of the camping van and the wall.
As soon as the screen flashes start making your way towards the exit door. Be sure to stay behind the guard that is crouched but not too far to the right either, otherwise you will get detected. Approach the exit door directly and start picking the lock. Just after you have done that and started to go through the door you will get detected, but it doesn't matter since you will be out of the area shortly after. This is the end of this part of the mission.

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