Young Dracula - Series 3 - Episode 3 - Faustian Slip

Hannah-Lucy Blake 2014-01-23

Views 15

Magda arrives as a penniless bag lady (utterly attractive to Renfield) and is taken into the home. But it is a ploy for Magda to emotionally manipulate Vlad into giving her the Regency. She plans to get famous on the back of the Chosen One and sets up media interviews. Vlad is determined to prevent this, as it would reveal their location, leaving them open for attack. Not only that but Erin is also planning on slaying the Draculas by calling a brotherhood and telling them the location. Unknowingly Vlad prevents this with the help of Renfield and Magda is also eventually ousted but leaves a little something of herself behind, Wolfie, the son of her and Patrick

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