Godfather to many, our Dabbang star Salman Khan is known for launching several aspiring stars in Bollywood be it from Katrina Kaif to the recent Sana Khan, Daisy Shah or Elli Avram. However, these were restricted to the acting front right? So now what if we say that the actor has also decided to promote singers in Bollywood? Wondering where are we heading this to? Well, we will get you through the story! Referring to one of the recent reports, we hear that Salman was returning back from Mehboob Studios is when he incidentally came across a struggling singer walking by the road. Having heard the struggler's dream to make a singing career in Bollywood, Salman not only auditioned the boy through their few minute walk but also promised to help the young lad in the coming future! Whoa...seems like Salman is on a never ending tour of Being Human! Jai Ho to you Salman!
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