The fast-paced drama never ceases in Balaji Telefilms’ newest offering Yeh Hai Mohabbatein on Star Plus. After all that happened recently in the life of Raman Bhalla (Karan Patel), his image about being a dutiful father to Ruhi (Ruhaanika Dhawan) has gone for a toss and his ex-wife Shagun (Anita Hassanandani) is all set to take complete advantage of the situation.
Yes, Shagun will now press for the custody of Ruhi as Raman is proven to be a careless father. And unknowingly, Ishita (Divyanka Tripathi) will be instrumental in worsening the case for Raman.
In tonight’s episode, Shagun will be instigated by Ashok to go and get Ruhi home as she cannot get a safe life with her father. Ashok will initiate a group of Mahila Morcha ladies to go and do dharna at Raman’s place. Amidst total chaos wherein Raman will be advised by the Mahila Morcha ladies to send Ruhi along with her mother, as he has been a careless father. Ishita (Divyanka Tripathi) along with everyone at the Bhallas and Iyers will be witness to the whole event. At this juncture will come Shagun and try to take Ruhi away. Ishita will cajole Ruhi and tell her that she needs to go with her mom as she will be safe with her. She will also instruct Shagun to take care of the baby as she is still unwell after the cough syrup incident. Raman will be forced to keep quiet and let Shagun take Ruhi away.
At home, Ashok will again advice Shagun to fight for Ruhi’s custody, by stating the mishap that happened to Ruhi at Bhalla’s place when they gather for the hearing of Raman and Shagun’s divorce. On the other hand, Mihir (Raj Singh Arora) will also tell Raman that Ashok will seek for Ruhi’s custody at the court hearing, and he needs to be ready for that. However, Raman will tell himself that he will not allow Shagun to spoil his life as she did years back.
At Shagun’s place, Ruhi will miss Ishita and Ishita will also miss being with Ruhi.
Will Shagun succeed in getting Ruhi’s custody? How will Ishita and Ruhi’s bonding grow from here?
We tried calling Divyanka, but she remained unavailable for comments.