Is it necessary to follow Peer or Murshid - Maulana Ishaq r.a

Immaculate-Islam 2014-01-02

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Question : Is it necessary to have allegiance with any hierarch in Islam? Also explained about the background of this subject.

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Peer O Murshid

From the point of view of the Quran, the ultimate objective of a Momin's life is the guarding of permanent values. When, however, there is a tie (or a clash) between the permanent values and his personal inclinations or interests, then he sacrifices his personal interests on the altar of permanent values… so much so that if he has to give his life while guarding some noble, permanent value, he does so without a moment's hesitation. The Holy Quran names this as a test of true Imaan. The Jews had claimed they are the beloved "Awliya" of Allah. They were told: (Such was the conduct of Bani-Israel. They merely carried the Divine Book around instead of obtaining guidance from it, and at the same time they remained under the false impression that they alone were the favourites of Allah). Tell them, "If you really are the only ones who are Allah's closest friends and favourites, then aspire to die in His cause. This would substantiate your claim » (62/6)

It should be noted that by "longing for death" is not meant the annihilation of the "Nafs" (self) which is being regarded amongst us as a sign of the "Awliya Allah". The very concept of "killing the Nafs" is non Quranic, and has been borrowed from Christian monasticism, Hindu yogis and Buddhist Nirvana. From the point of view of the Quran "longing for death" signifies fighting in the Way of Allah, doing battle for the Cause of Islam, and safeguarding the Deen by appearing against the enemy, ready to do or die. On the other hand, there are believers who have entered into a transaction with Allah, through the instrumentality of the Divine Order, Who purchases their very persons and their worldly possessions in return for the abiding blissful life of Jannat. They shall fight in the cause of Allah Almighty and slay and be slain and on the part of Allah Almighty the promise of Jannat is binding. Similar promises were also made in the Torah and the Bible and are reiterated here in the Quran. Who is better than Allah Almighty in fulfilling promises. O believers! rejoice then on the bargain effected which is a great achievement » (9:111)

O Jamat-ul-Momineen! You should not hold mutual consultations with a view to commit a crime or plan rebellion against the Divine Order. Always hold consultations for noble causes and Taqwa (guarding the Divine Laws). In short, you should always remain conscious of and guard the Divine Laws because that should be your ultimate and central point of all your efforts » (58:19)

has been revealed for the guidance of mankind.

devotee, disciple, follower, foot, footstep, hierarch,

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