In a shocking and horrific incident, a man in Manhattan is now dead after jumping to his death from a 52 story apartment building. Prior to the fatal plunge, the 35-year-old male threw his 3-year-old son off the same building.
In a shocking and horrific incident, a man in Manhattan is now dead after jumping to his death from a 52 story apartment building. Prior to the fatal plunge, the 35-year-old male is believed to have thrown his 3-year-old son off the same building.
The child, who had been wearing Christmas pajamas, initially survived, however he later passed away at a nearby hospital. Both the father and son landed on two roofs located on 59th street. Neither body could be seen from the road or sidewalk.
The full circumstances are not fully understood, however it is known the father and child’s mother had been in the midst of a custody battle over the boy. The dad, according to reports, was an immigrant from the Ukraine and worked as a systems analyst.
He had visitation rights to his son on the day of the incident, although the mother had custody. She had been waiting at a police precinct to meet with the father to return their child, right around the time he threw the boy off the roof.
It is not known why the father chose that building as he did not live there, although he could have had a past connection to it. Although no note was found, police are considering it to be a murder suicide.