Stan Sher is the founder and president of Dealer eTraining. Dealer eTraining focuses on automotive internet sales, BDC and car sales training. Stan Sher reviews his 11 year true automotive background along with some Dealer eTraining dealership success stories. Stan Sher has built some of the most profitable automotive internet sales and BDC departments in the nation. The Dealer eTraining "Road to the Sale" car sales process is the most up to date and hands on training curriculum that will help sales professionals make over $150,000 per year. Dealers that need to evaluate their CRM, Marketing, Advertising, Internet Lead Management, BDC and Car Sales results need to speak with Stan The Dealer Man Sher. Contact Stan Sher directly at 732-925-8362.
Automotive Internet Sales, BDC, Online Sales, Car Sales - Training - Stan Sher - Dealer eTraining