(NO SOUND, VIDEO ONLY - the ROM has no audio)
I've decided to pad out my Satellaview video recordings with ROMs released on Satellablog that I didn't record video of yet!
Although in most cases I did this because the games were basically identical to retail counterparts, there are a few exceptions. Either way, though, I hope these recordings will help provide support for the BS-X Project and obtaining more ROM dumps.
Sound Journal For Lovers: Valentines Special Vol. 1 was put up for download on Satellablog on 11/18/2009.
This piece of the "Sound Journal" series is a peculiar non-game Soundlink program for the Satellaview. Be sure to check out the linked blog article for more info!
This recording was done in SNES9XPP XE. Absolutely no button input was done other than setting up and ending the recording.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)