The statements of our Prime Minister Mr. Erdoğan inviting the whole Islamic World to unity are very important

A9 TV 2013-12-07

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DIDEM URER: Our Prime Minister has made a very beautiful speech today. In the Eurasia Islamic Council, he made a perfect speech inviting all the Muslims of the world to unity. And he said the followings; "Our heads will not be bowed. On the contrary we will stand tall and vigorous." Reading the third verse of Surat al-Fath, he said; "We are those people who believe that we have that help on our side and we do know that help is imminent. In many matters you look and see that there are very different rulings. Why is that? That is because the sources have been diversified. In that case, our source is our Book, the Qur'an and the sunnah that is beside it is out in the open. Why are we in such a scattered situation? Why are we scattered around? Apart from the scattering of people, the scattering of ideas and thoughts is very dangerous. We need to pull ourselves together. The moment we pull ourselves together in respect of knowledge and science, we will be on the right path. Otherwise we cannot be on the right path. We have to achieve that."

ADNAN OKTAR: Well, masha'Allah. Look at the beauty of this turn of phrase. This is the most beautiful speech he has made lately. That is amazing, I congratulate him. Well said! May Allah give him a long life, may Allah lead him on the right path. He has made a summary of the system of the Mahdi. He has made a splendid speech. That is amazing. 

DIDEM URER: Master, our Prime Minister Erdoğan in the next part of his speech stated that a religion cannot be blamed as a whole because of a mistake the members of that religion make with the following words; "We, as the members of Islam religion, see both the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the Prophet Moses (pbuh) as our prophets and regard not making any mistake in showing our respect to them as a principle. However we consider denying the same respect, the same attention, the same sensitivity for Muslims and for the sacred values of Muslims as a grave double standard in the name of global conscience and global justice."

ADNAN OKTAR: What I am amazed at is that our Prime Minister, masha'Allah, if he had wished to do so, he could have behaved in the classical way like some people do. He could have pleaded ignorance in the face of the system of the Mahdi. He could have plead ignorance regarding the Unity of Islam. He could behave as a classical politician.  He could nevertheless talk about Allah and about religion but could employ a centered approach. Masha'Allah this kind of behavior will bring abundance to his lifetime, it will bring bounty to his life.  It brings health and welfare, it brings success to him. It creates a general acceptance for him. Had he not abided by the system of the Mahdi, Allah wouldn't have given that success to him, he would have been long gone. May Allah forbid. Allah brings abundance to him because he acts meticulously in compliant with the system of the Mahdi.  Masha'Allah, may Allah bring abundance to his life insha'Allah. The speech he made today is amazing. Let us listen to it once more. 

DIDEM URER: This last part? 

ADNAN OKTAR: Yes, the part that you've just read. 

DIDEM URER: He said the followings; "Our heads will not be bowed. On the contrary we will stand tall and vigorous." Reading the third verse of Surat al-Fath he said; "We are those people who believe that we have that help on our side and we do know that help is imminent. In many matters you look and see that there are very different rulings. Why is that? That is because the sources have been diversified. In that case, our source is our Book, the Qur'an and the sunnah that is beside it is out in the open. Why are we in such a scattered situation? Why are we scattered around? Apart from the scattering of people, the scattering of ideas and thoughts is very dangerous. We need to pull ourselves together. The moment we pull ourselves together in respect of knowledge and science, we will be on the right path. Otherwise we cannot be on the right path. We have to achieve that."

ADNAN OKTAR: Now, he had given such a fine message.. 

DIDEM URER: Yes Master, that is really very important. 

ADNAN OKTAR: He also drew attention to denominations. 

DIDEM URER: Yes, I have that part of the speech as well if you like. 

ADNAN OKTAR: He drew attention to divisions. "Everything will be solved if we abide by the Qur'an," he says. The Qur'an is the sunnah of our Prophet (saas) anyway.  He has explained that fact very decorously. That has been splendid, it has been a very beautiful speech. And he says that the Unity of Islam is the only solution.  He says that the system of the Mahdi is the only solution. He also says that the abnormal behavior of some ignorant people cannot be ascribed to Islam. He has made a very fine summary of everything. That is very good. Masha'

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