Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation with Mr. Larry Greenfield - US politician and TV host and Mr. David Spady-Executive Director of Salem Communications (A9 TV, April 20th, 2013)

A9 TV 2013-12-05

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SADUN ENGİN: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we have guests from the United States insha'Allah. Let me first start by introducing them. Omar Mohseni; he is a businessman and lives in San Francisco. David Spady; he serves as the Executive Director of a company named Salem Communications. This company owns around 100 radio stations in the US. In addition to this, it provides content for 2,400 affiliated radios stations. Salem Communications makes religious and political broadcasts. The other gentleman, Mr.  Larry Greenfield is a politician; he is Jewish and lives in US, California. He is engaged in international politics and is the anchorman and program host at a Jewish TV channel that is about to start broadcasting in the US. Please you go on Master.

ADNAN OKTAR: Well, welcome, you've brought us grace. You honor us by coming. You have been our guests for some time. Are we able to host you well? How did you find Turkey? Could you inform us briefly, please?

LARRY GREENFIELD: Thank you so much for the hospitality and graciousness. We are very happy to be here. We are learning a lot and we are trying to help the cause.

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah. Let us learn about your views as well.

DAVID SPADY: It is a wonderful experience. This is my first time in Turkey. It has exceeded all of my expectations. The hospitality has been beyond what I could have expected. And I am very, very pleased to be here and honored to make your acquaintance and be joining you today.

ADNAN OKTAR: Thank you. First of all, your being our guests is a great honor for us, you have graced us with your presence. Insha'Allah, we will go on with this later on, we will be each other's guests mutually and visit one another. Omar is our friend, he has been our brother for a long time, so I am not asking him any questions. But our these brothers here are the real guests today.

Insha'Allah, I believe that America, Turkey and Israel will play a great role in the establishment of peace in the Middle East and throughout the world. I also believe that with the love of Allah, and the sincere feelings you possess in your hearts and with the love of humanity you have in you, you will carry out amazing services. Already you have come here and made nice statements, contacted many people and institutions. You have spoken beautifully. One can feel the zeal and enthusiasm in your heart. One can feel that you will render great services in building peace in the world and putting an end to war and terror. I want to have your opinion about this issue as well. Yes please.

LARRY GREENFIELD: Yes Sir, with your leadership and friendship, I feel inspired to learn more about the ways America can connect with the world because I come from the conservative side in United States politics. I believe I have more credibility and probably more opportunity to be a peacemaker because I understand American history and struggle and wars and conflicts and so instead of only pretend and imagination, this is after having served in US military and having read American history, that I feel confident to reach out and connect and learn and grow and then inspire others to do the same thing.

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah. It is obvious from your face. Your face reveals the cleanliness of your thoughts and heart. It is already obvious from your visage that your constant pursuit is love, goodness and kindness. Your courtesy and respect also confirm this. As of the issue of "leadership", of course I am your brother. We are all leaders. We all make effort in the path of Islam. We all work for goodness, kindness and faith. But surely I cannot assert a claim on leadership. I can only assert a claim on being a servant. I am a servant of good people, of beautiful honest people. That is my duty. Masha'Allah. I would also want to have your views about it. Yes please.

DAVID SPADY: There is no doubt that Turkey, the United States and Israel are key to Middle East peace. Not just in a political sense, but in a spiritual sense and with leaders from within the spiritual communities joining together to bring that peace through the idea of love. In the Christian faith, which I am part of in our Book, the Bible, in Romans it says that ' much as you can, live at peace with all men.' It is a command that we have in the Christian faith. And so all of our faiths speak about this idea of love and of brotherhood. And We need to use what we are taught in a spiritual sense to try to bring this peace that is necessary to the Middle East.

ADNAN OKTAR: Masha'Allah, this means that the followers of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), the followers of Prophet Moses (pbuh) and the followers of Prophet Mohammad (saas) have gathered all together. They have adopted a course of action for Allah, for love and brotherhood. Allah making us meet here is a manifestation, a beautiful consequence of it. By the will of Allah, we will have more fruitful,

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