Surveillance video captures actors car crash

Reuters 2013-12-04

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STORY: A surveillance camera from the top of a nearby building caught the deadly crash that killed actor Paul Walker and his friend over the weekend. The video, which Reuters obtained from OMG!Insider, shows smoke from the initial impact and then later a large fireball explosion that lights up the sky.

Walker, 40, who became a symbol of street-racing and car culture in his roles in the "Fast & Furious" franchise, was a passenger in a one-car crash on Saturday (November 30) in Santa Clarita, California, about 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles.

Media reports identified the driver of the red 2005 Porsche Carrera GT that crashed into a utility pole and burst into flames as Roger Rodas, 38, a friend of Walker's who owned Always Evolving, an auto dealership and racing services company in Santa Clarita.

Speed played a role in the car crash - that's according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Police said the accident was s

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