Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - My car was in my mother's name, she filed for bankruptcy - do I still have to make payments? - My mother recently remarried after my father died, and she and her new husband ran into some financial troubles and were forced to file for bankruptcy. My mother was the primary name on my car loan (which I'm paying), so it was included in the bankruptcy. Now I'm not really clear on how bankruptcy works, but my mother told me that all of her bills included in the bankruptcy were consolidated, and she makes a monthly payment on them. Since my car is part of the bankruptcy, I shouldn't have to worry about making payments on it, should I? If anything, shouldn't I be paying my mother? I ask because the lawyer handling the bankruptcy said I need to keep paying, but that doesn't make sense to me. I actually did stop paying for a few months, but my wife has pressured me into resuming payments because she's afraid the car will be repossessed - even though my mother repeatedly assured me that won't happen. But, I don't want to basically be throwing almost $300 a month away. I'm very confused - what should I do? -