Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Does this sound about where the U.S. exists in the global scheme of things? - We were a country that believed in fair rights and freedom for all! The average American is still taught this and believes it. The industrialists have out-sourced all are jobs overseas, the investment bankers on Wall Street have screwed most Americans out of there savings and destroyed the housing market. The politicians are in the pockets of the industrialists and investment bankers.
China has dropped the dollar and if they start dropping it on the world market, the dollar will not be worth the paper it is printed on. The U.S. is on the brink of bankruptcy with this 14 trillion dollar debt.
The real reason we do not take are military forces out of Afghanistan and other places, because this may be the only deterrent that makes countries like China from destroying the value of the American dollar.
I think most Americans don't like what is going on in the U.S. and how our leaders in banking and industry have sold us out for a profit! How are politicians take money from the lobbyists to let this happen. If all this corruption isn't forced out. If we let the industrialists and investment bankers keep making the policies of the U.S., then are children will never have a future.
I hate what a few greedy individuals have done to our country through lies and deceit. It makes you wonder if we as a country will ever get back to what we once were!
This is what I think is possibly going on in our country. I would like to hear what other people think? -