One of the world’s rarest diamonds has fetched a record price at auction. The “Pink Star” diamond was sold for 68 million Swiss francs in Geneva. That is the equivalent of over 60 million euros.
The previous record for a diamond sold at auction was 34 million euros.
The flawless “ Pink Star” was purchased by an anonymous buyer.
David Bennett of Sotheby’s was the man who conducted the sale.
“Of all the gemstones known, coloured – the rare pinks and blues and greens and so forth – are amongst the rarest of all stones and they are finally, I think, reaching the level as it were where the price is matching the rarity,” he said.
Whatever the economic climate, there never seems to be a shortage of cash for beautiful gemstones.
The beauty of the “Pink Star” is without doubt, as is its size. Most pink diamonds are less than five carats. The “Pink Star” is nearly 60.