Milton Keynes which is a tiny metropolitan area near London has released plans to install about 100 pods which are self driven.
The face of public transportation is changing rapidly. Milton Keynes which is a tiny metropolitan area near London has released plans to install about 100 personal pods.
The purpose of the small, modern vehicles is to link the downtown area of the city to the central train station. Each of the tiny pods are powered by electric motors.
Called the ULTra Personal Electric Transportation Pods, they aren’t the fastest vehicle contraptions available, only venturing at speeds up to 12 miles per hour.
People will be able to call the pods by utilizing a smartphone application which costs a little over $3. Once passengers hop inside, the route is keyed into the system, and the pods, which are driven by a computer move forward on the pavement.
Each pod can carry up to four passengers and there is also room for belongings like luggage to be stashed away. Rubber tires easily maneuver the terrain and that coupled with the lightweight design of the vehicles make the ride nearly silent.
The project to install the pods is expected to cost over $100 million. It should be completed by 2017.
Would you want this in your city?