If one is the Badshah Khan of Bollywood, the other is the rising Kapoor. Filmmaker Karan Johar apparently wanted both Shahrukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor in his film, but the latter has declined such a lucrative offer.
Well, it would have been a visual delight for the Bolly buffs to watch Shahrukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor in the same film, but Ranbir wasn't apparently so keen on sharing the limelight with a superstar, especially when he is rocking the Bollywood with his solo-lead films.
It's being said that Karan Johar's movie is a two-hero project, and it's evident that Karan is fond of both Shahrukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor, and has already worked with them to deliver several blockbusters.
With Ranbir's no, it seems like Karan's dream of casting the two actors has been squashed!