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@ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSUg_nK0ua0
This is the 1st of 7 releases as part of the celebration for 800 subscribers.
Vocal cover as usual - all vocals and harmonies were done by me.
23rd release for the anime/jdrama/jmovie theme song project, "Code C".
It also marks the 53rd cover. Still accepting requests.
This is BeeTV online manga, 「賭博黙示録 カイジ」(The Gambling Apocalypse KAIJI)'s theme song.
The last one was just the chorus, this is the full version.
Halloween Special event suggestions can be made here:
Vocal mix this time is a very ABC style of main + duel range harmonies. It's quite fun to have to this type of recording! Honestly i didn't mean to record the whole thing (although it turned out this way) so part of it wasn't done very well...but I tried a new method of mixing the main vocal as well, and I think it turned out OK? Hope you enjoyed it!
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