For those following evolutionary theory, Sir David Attenborough recently issued several controversial statements, namely humans have stopped physically evolving.
Sir David Attenborough is famous for his career as a broadcaster and outspoken naturalist. For those following evolutionary theory, Attenborough recently issued several statements, namely humans have stopped physically evolving.
Birth control and abortions have led to around 95 percent of babies allowed to be born surviving instead of the weaker ones being eliminated by Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
According to Attenborough, since “we’ve stopped natural selection,” humans will evolve culturally through knowledge such as computers, vehicles, and electronics.
Referring to mankind as “a plague on Earth,” Attenborough believes the future will only get worse in terms of overpopulation, environment, and health. He supports Population Matters, an organization advocating family planning and sustainable consumption.
While not excusing crimes like forcing women to have surgeries and abortions, some near full-term, Attenborough did say of China’s one-child policy, “The Chinese themselves recognize that had they not done so there would be several million more mouths in the world today than there are now.”
Attenborough emphasized the irresponsibility of having large families and advised people to value and enjoy the material things in life if and while they can.