A Japanese man returned home after being missing for eleven days. His wallet was taken during a mugging and he was left with little resources to get home. The man decided to simply walk back to his house, which was over 800 miles away.
What would you do if you were robbed and did not have enough money to get home? One man in Japan recently returned to his home in Sendai after being missing for eleven days.
His wallet and cell phone were taken during a mugging and he was left with little resources to get home.
Instead of making a fuss and contacting police, the man decided to simply walk back to his house, which was over 800 miles away.
He had a flight scheduled back to his hometown from a trip for a competition, but he never arrived, leaving his mother extremely worried. After the competition ended, the man was running late and ended up missing his flight.
While walking the streets searching for an internet cafe, the male was approached by another man who demanded cell phone and cash. After the mugging, the victim had about $20 tucked in his shoe, but he used it to buy bread and water to fight off starvation.
He never contacted police or his mother, but he kept walking until he arrived home on September 5th. Upon his safe arrival, he summed up the ordeal stating “I never wanted to make a fuss. I’m sorry to everyone I inconvenienced.”