Bollywood Khan Triplets, Shahrukh Salman and Aamir might not have shared their screen space in the same film but seems like the trio is riding high with several big banner projects on board. Going about their forthcoming projects, 2014 may turn out to be a landmark year for the three ruling Khans. However before any further speculations, the trio is not coming together in any film and nor have they chalked out some unique publicity campaign to be one-up on each other. What makes the coming year special for the Khans is that they will be seen in films helmed by their favorite directors. Moving on one by one, Aamir will be seen in 'Peekay' with his 3 Idiots director, Rajkumar Hirani. 'Hum Aapke Hai Kaun fame', Salman and Sooraj Barjatya will again team up with their fourth film 'Bade Bhaiyya' and lastly, Shah Rukh Khan in Farah Khan's Happy New Year.
Well, having the three stars and with their favorite directors, it is sure going to claim some magic-bloom on the silver screen!