Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Chennai Express has been one of the most keenly awaited films of this year. The film released last Friday on a grand scale in India and overseas. As predicted by most trade gurus, the film broke most of the previously held records by other biggies as of now. In this feature, we take a look at some of the records that the film has broken in India as well as overseas in its 3 day run and Thursday night previews.
In India, Chennai Express collected Rs 6.75 cr in paid previews, overtaking the record held by 3 Idiots, which had collected Rs 2.7 cr. On the other hand, in UK, it collected £ 142,220 in Thursday night previews, setting a new record yet again. It crossed the preview figures of My Name Is Khan, Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna, 3 Idiots and Ek Tha Tiger.
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