The modern theory of evolution, of course, denies the Bible account of the fall of man and, of course, has much to say about so-called ascent of man. The theory of evolution preaches that man is improving in all ways. However, where Evolution leads mankind, can be seen in our day. If man is not made in the image of God, but is only a developed brute, why should he not, as a brute, be killed? Lust and thrill murders are the result of the likes of a Friedrich Nietzsche, who wanted all the weak to be crushed and the superman, the blonde beast, to be adored. Nietzsche, if nothing else, was a consistent Evolutionist. The struggle for life for him was simply a dutiful struggle for power. According to this theory Christianity must be destroyed; for numerically and financially, that is the weaker party. According to this cruel theory, euthanasia is perfectly justifiable, because there is no wrong in softly ending the miseries of a highly developed animal...and nudism is just the right thing, for nakedness goes with the beasts of the jungle. Do you not see how Evolution has leavened the nations in our day?
Now, with all of that is the LLM Question for 8-13-2013: Does the theory of evolution, which states that man is and has been ascending, explain why the world is in worse condition and misery now than ever before? Yes or No? Please take a moment to respond at