Bollywood lad, Ranbir Kapoor seems to be in a celebratory mood, post his recent success tales in B-town. With his back to back hits and several upcoming big banner projects on board, the actor is definitely sailing a long way in the industry. Having seen his successful professional front, the actor also manages to devote time to his family, friends and his alleged lady love, Katrina Kaif. Recent news has it that the actor is investing a bomb of Rs 80 lakhs on his new high- end bar to be set at his plush address, Krishna Raj in Bandra. Reportedly, this high priced bar is to be crafted by an international designer and the bungalow is also believed to have a separate entrance that leads to the actor's sleeping chambers. Seems like with this new renovation been done, the actor will now be able to organize his private parties or do we call it, secret parties without his mom-dad's interruption!
Well, Krishna Raj is soon to become a party hub for the townies!