Salman Khan appeared before a Mumbai Sessions Court recently on Friday, July 19, where he is being tried for culpable homicide in his 2002 hit-andrun case. However, the court deferred the hearing till July 24, and this has upset the shooting calendar of the actor.
The first schedule of Sajid Nadiadwala's directorial debut, Kick, was supposed to take off in London on the same day. But now, this has been postponed to July 27, as the actor will fly out only after the hearing is over.
A source close to the project reveals that Sajid and his team were all set to take off to London for their first schedule of Kick. Salman had also wrapped up the Hyderabad schedule of Mental and returned to Mumbai last week. However, with the court deferring the hearing to July 24, Sajid had no option but to postpone the schedule.
Well, seems like Nadiadwala still have to wait to 'Kick-off' his directorial debut!