Random Topics By The Reality's Temple On Earth Internet Ministry
Published April 08, 2013
George Zimmerman Will Walk !!!!!!
A Realitys Temple Prediction : Unfortunately no matter how positive we wish 2 become or believe in this nation's justice system. According 2 the way that " The Stand Your Ground Law" has been written & still stands. George Zimmerman's case will be dismissed or he'll be acquitted. The question that arises how will Black America respond ? Many have allready 4gotten Trayvon Martin & many of our innocents that have been murdered NOT only by racists but by killers having dark skin. Will you riot ? So they can justify the incarceration & justified murder of those who may fill the streets ? Or will you become wise & organize joining all ready established groups & those groups must unite against this common threat that have existed for over 300 yrs that now we're just beginning 2 accept & notice the nature of the threat ? When will the descendants of slaves born in America finally come 2 accept & understand this nation / country wasn't created 4U and is NOT your home in fact has always been your greatest enemy where justice has always been a fleeting thing & oppression,exploitation,injustice,suffering & death has always been the norm. Peace & RespectU
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