Mass protests erupt throughout Brazil

Reuters 2013-06-21

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Mass demonstrations swept across Brazil Thursday (June 20) night as hundreds of thousands of protesters from across the country flooded more than 100 cities after lowered transport fares and promises of better public services failed to stem the tide of discontent in Latin America's biggest country.

After more than a week of the largest protests here in over two decades, demonstrators showed no signs of letting up and turned up in their largest numbers Thursday from Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to regional cities including Florianopolis in the south to Recife and Belem in the north.

Demonstrators called more to join their movement chanting "Vem pra rua, vem" which translates to "Come, to the street, come," one of the main rallying cries they have used as the movement ballooned.

The persistence of the protests reflects a host of complaints about high taxes, inflation, corruption and poor public services, from hospitals and schools

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