Episode 05 - The Anti-Vampire Tale Video Reading Series (Chapter 3, Part 3) - An Entire Vampire Novel 4FREE

Lewis Aleman 2013-05-28

Views 35

Episode 5 (Chapter 3, Part 3)
Welcome to The Anti-Vampire Tale Video Reading Series, where I'll be reading my entire novel in 5-15 minute segments. Every Monday, I'll release a new video, so subscribe, like, and share if you want to know when the next installment comes online. Being that I'm sure no one wants to stare at me reading for 5-10 minutes at a time, the videos fade from me to images and clips that relate to the story, many showcasing interesting sites around New Orleans. For best quality, watch the video in HD 1080p.

The Anti-Vampire Tale Book Series:
2010 - The Anti-Vampire Tale (The Anti-Vampire Tale, Book 1)
2012 - Bloodlines (The Anti-Vampire Tale, Book 2)
2013 - (Book 3, To Be Titled Later)
2013 - (Book 4, To Be Titled Later)

Lewis Aleman

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